In case you missed ACA’s 2012 Annual Meeting, here are a few of the sights and sounds from a wonderful night celebrating the artists and art-lovers who enrich our community all year long…

- Gallery Opening for “Marvelous Journeys and Unexpected Adventures,” featuring 50+ ACA member artists. Juried by Lauren O’Neal, director of the Lamont Gallery at Philips Exeter Academy, and former Executive Director of the Arlington Center for the Arts.

- Five Juror’s Award winners were recognized for their artistry and resonance with the “Marvelous Journeys” theme. From left to right: Margo Cooper, Lauren O’Neal-juror, John Budzyna-Executive Director of ACA, Jeanne-Marie Crede, Dan Cianfarini, Gloria Calderon-Saenz, Connie Chamberlain.

- Presentation of the 2012 Alan McClennen Community Arts Award to Adria Arch and Don Benjamin for their leadership of Arlington Public Art. APA’s first large-scale project, the Spy Pond Mural, was completed this fall. Congratulations Adria and Don!

- Volunteer Recognition – Volunteers help make ACA a vibrant and exciting place for the Arts! This year, Morgan Jackson and Melanie Wisner went above and beyond to help out at ACA – thank you Morgan and Melanie!!

- Many thanks to Dan Fox and all the players from Dan’s Morningside Studio Jazz Ensemble for their music all night long!

- One favorite moment from the evening – artist and ACA Board Member Gwen Chasan (left) poses with her friend Melanie, who was the model for Gwen’s beautiful “Painting in Provence” on display, just behind them in the gallery!

- Arlington singer Louise Grasmere, former ACA Communications Assistant Lindsey Schust, Member Artist Grace Schust, and ACA Studio Artist Connie Chamberlain, in front of Grace Schust’s new painting, “Surfacing.”
See more photos of the night on our Flickr Page.
Support ACA’s programs all year long with a gift to our 25th anniversary annual fund.