Last week, we asked our Counselors-in-Training to share some thoughts about what it’s like to be a CIT at ACA’s Summer Arts Camp.

At ages 11-14, CITs are little too old for a “kids” camp, but a little too young for summer jobs. As CITs at ACA, these young teens try their wings working with younger campers in the classrooms, create amazing collaborative art projects as a group, and take field trips each week to destinations such as the Institute of Contemporary Art, the Museum of Fine Arts, and the Decordova Sculpture Park. Here’s a little bit of what they said about being a CIT at ACA:

“Being a CIT is an AMAZING experience,” said Josie, age 12. “It is so much fun working with kids of all different ages. It is different working with all of the different age groups too. With the little kids you really have to help them and show them how to do things. With the older kids you can really relate to them and talk about things you have in common. But being a CIT isn’t just hard work. There is also some down time where you can hang out with your new “besties” that you made that week. The teachers are fun and Brian always makes us laugh with his crazy antics and hilarious stories. All in all, I love being a CIT and I can’t wait to come back the other weeks I am here.”

“I really like the field trips we go on,” said Amber, age 13. “The teachers always bring us somewhere fun and we learn about famous artists. It’s always so interesting taking the bus or the train on the way there because you can hang and talk with your friends and sometimes play games on the subway. This week we went to the DeCordova and Brian prepared a scavenger hunt for us. We got some REALLY awesome prizes at the end. After field trips, we all go out for ice cream and just chill. I absolutely love the field trips here and can’t wait for the next one!”
CIT Field Trip & Scavenger Hunt at the Decordova Sculpture Park: See the Slideshow

“Being a CIT is a big responsibility but an even bigger privilege,” said Rayna, age 12. “You get to work with amazing kids, hang with our teachers Brian and Jennaway, and make friends around your age who like the same kind of things. I know it kinda stinks that you don’t get paid for helping out with “the little ones,”* but the camp makes up for it with all the amazing experiences that you have here. The kids are just so fun to work with; you get to learn with them and teach them and just hang with them. When you are a CIT they sometimes idolize you. It’s great for self-esteem. Brian and Jennaway are hilarious; they can always make you laugh. You make friends here that you would probably never know if you hadn’t gone to this camp. You meet great and very artistic people here, and you won’t regret your time here. Your summer can only get better if you come to the CIT camp. I know it sounds cheesy, but hey, it’s 100% true.” CITs are artists, too! See their giant funhouse faceboards from last week’s “Quirky Circus” Camp
* Education Director’s Note: while participating in the CIT program does not guarantee you’ll be hired as a counselor at ACA, you’ll be gaining skills and knowledge that are a great asset in applying for a paid counselor job after the age of 15. Many of our ACA counselors got their start as CITs.