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Featured Artist: Tamara Gonda

Emily Kindschy

ACA is thrilled to be featuring a new artist, Tamara Gonda, on our upcoming winter catalog. Tamara was featured in our Open Studios this past October, showcasing her work to the Arlington public.

“The Sky Could Be Blue” by Tamara Gonda, featured on the cover of ACA’s upcoming winter catalog.

Tamara holds a BFA from Virgina Commonwealth University and an MFA from Cornell University. Beginning as an abstract artist, Tamara states “I feel that paintings are meant to be colors, line, form, shape and texture.” This comes out in many of her abstract works, which she defines as “color field and abstract expressionistic works.”

Though Tamara has thrived in the realm of abstract creation, she was introduced to the art of watercolor later in life and was shocked by her ability in this new medium. She states, “I have never painted anything close to realism before. I never pictured myself painting watercolors or realist painting. We all are a work in progress and I’m enjoying this new dimension.”

Tamara’s ability to go from abstract to realistic without having known her own undiscovered talent is truly inspiring for those who are hesitant to explore mediums that seem foreign to them. Take a look at her gallery of work here to get motivated to try something out of your own comfort zone!

“Morning Commute” by Tamara Gonda; Spring oil on panel


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