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Friday Night Teen Clubhouse @ ACA

Linda Shoemaker

Friday night, and nothing for your teen to do? How many times parents have heard that complaint!

Now there’s a great option at the Arlington Center for the Arts – the “Friday Night Teen Clubhouse” – a place for creative teens to connect, socialize and be creative in a safe and fun atmosphere, led by two Arlington High School graduates who remember what it was like to be a teen in Arlington looking for a place to fit in and hang out with other creative teens.

The Teen Clubhouse meets on Friday evenings, with new sessions beginning in the Fall, Winter and Spring, with separate groups for middle school students and high school students. The cost is $110 for eight weeks, or $95 for ACA members. Pre-registration is required, and teens must sign up for the full eight weeks (no drop-in option).

The middle school Teen Clubhouse runs from 6:00-8:00, led by Chris Legare, an AHS graduate who has since earned his BA from Mass College of Art. Chris is a long-time teacher of arts and animation at ACA. For the middle school group, Chris plans on starting each Friday night with a guided lesson exploring mediums such as charcoal drawing, animation, stenciling, graphic arts, painting, installation art, sculpting and more. The second hour of each class will be dedicated to open studio time where students can continue on with the guided lesson, work independently or in groups on their own projects, socialize, and just unwind, have fun, and make new friends.

Chris Legare (on left, in red) will work with the middle school group in this fall’s Teen Clubhouse. Chris is known for his imaginative projects – everything from animation to street art to photography and more!

The high school Teen Clubhouse runs from 6:30-8:30, led by Brian Biciocchi, also an AHS graduate and long-time leader of ACA’s Counselor in Training program. Known for his fun-loving and compassionate style, Brian is planning to make the high school clubhouse “a fun, social space to be creative and feel supported.” Teens will pursue their own self-motivated projects and be encouraged to explore their own artistic motivations and produce works of their own design and planning. An array of materials will be provided as well as a fun-loving, “it’s-a-friday-night” atmosphere with music and plenty of time to socialize and make new friendships (or strengthen old ones).

Brian Biciocchi will lead the high school group in this Fall’s Teen Clubhouse. Brian is known for his outrageous good fun and ability to connect with teens.

To learn more or to register for the Friday Night Teen Clubhouse, visit or call the Arlington Center for the Arts (781) 648-6220.



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