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Shaira Ali Scholarship Fund

Arlington Center for the Arts (ACA) is committed to making its programs accessible to as broad-ranging and diverse an audience as possible – particularly people from underserved communities.


ACA offers need-based financial assistance for program participants of all ages. Eligible students and exhibiting artists (including participating artists in ACA's Arlington Open studios event) may receive scholarships of 50% or 100% off the price of a class or camp tuition or exhibition submission fee. If only 50% of the tuition/fee cost is granted, the recipient must pay the other 50% at the time of registration.


Occasionally, some classes may require students to bring their own supplies. Scholarships do not cover the cost of such materials; nor do they cover transportation or any additional program-related expenses. There is no deadline to apply for a scholarship and they are awarded on a rolling basis throughout the year as availability of funds allows. Scholarship applications must be submitted prior to registration and at least one-week in advance of the start of the class/camp or submission deadline.


Full Scholarships (100% of Tuition): As funds and availability allow, ACA will grant one Full Scholarship per program participant per term for applicants who meet ACA's scholarship qualification criteria (indicated below). Full Scholarship Awards represent 100% of the cost of tuition/fee for the workshop, class, camp, or exhibition chosen. Additional fees for materials, if required, are not included. ACA will grant full scholarships for up to 2 household members per term, as funds and availability allow.


Partial Scholarships (50% of Tuition): As funds and availability allow, ACA will grant one Partial Scholarship per program participant per term for applicants who meet ACA's scholarship qualification criteria (indicated below). Partial Scholarship Awards represent 50% of the cost of tuition/fee for the workshop, class, camp,or exhibition chosen. Additional fees for materials, if required, are not included. ACA will grant partial scholarships for up to 2 household members per term, as funds and availability allow.


ACA is proud to participate in the Card to Culture program, a collaboration between Mass Cultural Council, the Department of Transitional Assistance, the Massachusetts Health Connector, and the Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program.


See the full list of participating organizations offering EBTWIC, and ConnectorCare discounts.


Please note: EBT, WIC and Connector Care card holders automatically qualify for tuition assistance from ACA as funds allow. Alternatively, applicants can submit a copy of their latest tax return to demonstrate financial need; applicants whose gross household income falls below 65% of the Massachusetts median gross household income (source), as denoted in the chart below (based on household size), also qualify for tuition assistance/scholarships:​

2024 Median Income_Scholarship.png

If you don’t meet the above criteria but still have a need for financial assistance, please use our Scholarship Application to explain your circumstances and upload any relevant documentation. 

TO APPLY: Please submit your Scholarship Application through the form below. An ACA staff member will be back in touch with you as soon as possible. Questions? Please email any questions you may have to or call 781-648-6220


Scholarship Assistance is provided with support from The Ali Family and other generous donors like you.

A group of adult students painting on individual easals dispersed throughout an ACA classroom.
Five student's arms outstretched, holding brightly designed papermache bowls.
A student and camp counselor mid-jump with their arms outstretched above them while outside at an ACA camp program.
Two students smile, the student positoned in the foreground paints and gives a thumbs-up.
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